Now that you’re aware of how your credit score is measured, let’s find out the scoring system and how you can get the best results possible. When you look up your own personal credit score, you’ll notice you’re assigned a three-digit number representing your rating. This number system ranges from 300 to 850. The Fair Isaac Corporation — or FICO — was responsible for determining this credit rating system, which uses the various factors mentioned earlier in order to determine whether or not you’re considered a risk when it comes to future loan opportunities.
The FICO scoring system is further broken down into five possible categories. A credit score of between 300 and 579 would label you as a “very poor” candidate for future credit. At 580 to 669, you’d be considered “fair,” and a score of 670 to 739 would place you in the “good” category. For the upper echelon of credit ratings, between 740 and 799, you’d be considered “very good,” whereas an 800 to 850 would earn you the top score — an “exceptional” credit score.
In order to achieve a top credit score, you need to be able to pay your credit loan debts on time, balance your credit spent versus your available credit carefully, have a line of credit for a longer period of time, and make certain that you have a nice variety of credit.